The chance meeting of two people at the darkest moments of their lives leads to a bright new beginning : Arthur (around 50) and Claire (around 30) pull each other from the abyss – by trying to save the other they see the worth of their own life.
ARTHUR & CLAIRE – a story of hopelessness and defeat turning into a brand new life just by meeting the right person.

  • Director

    Miguel Alexandre

  • Version

    German (OV)
    with English subtitles

  • Produced by

    Gerald PodgornigGudula von Eysmondt In co-production with:-Thomas Hroch (MONA Film Produktion GmbH)-Arnold Heslenfeld (Topkapi Films)-Caroline von Senden (ZDF)-Heinrich Mis (ORF)
    (Tivoli Film Produktion GmbHIn co-production with:-MONA Film Produktion GmbH-Topkapi Films-ZDF -ORF)

  • Cast

    Josef Hader, Hannah Hoekstra

  • Genre


  • Running Time

    98 min.

  • Release

    Universum Film
    August 8, 2017

  • Festivals

    German Film Festival Australia 2018 | German Film Festival Chinca 2018 | DAS FILMFEST Prague | Festival Deutschsprachiger Filme 2018 | Annual Chicago European Union Film Festival | IFFI (Goa)

  • Awards

    Hessischer Filmpreis 2018 - Best Feature Film

  • Year


  • Status


credits not contractual