17-year old Rauli is the outsider in his school until his music teacher Robert Beck discovers his outstanding musical talent: he plays the guitar and is a gifted singer. Beck is willing to manage and promote Rauli. But he follows his own hidden agenda: once a promising young musician himself, he is trying to make his comeback into music business. But also Rauli has his little secrets.
There is the young waitress Lena, trying to find a balance between her tender feelings for Beck and making her own living. Rauli‘s mysterious family background. Anna Lind Рthe incarnation of the erotic teenage queen for every teacher and pupil. And Beck‘s only friend Charlie Рthe gigantic African-German philosopher. All of them are on a journey to their inner selves Рand they all will arrive Рbut not always as expected.

  • Director

    Frieder Wittich

  • Version

    German (OV)
    with English subtitles

  • Produced by

    Uli Putz, Jakob Claussen
    (Claussen+Putz Filmproduktion GmbH)

  • Cast

    Christian Ulmen, Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Eugene Boateng, Friederike Becht, Fabian Hinrichs

  • Genre

    Comedy, Drama

  • Running Time

    95 min.

  • Release

    July 23, 2015

  • Festivals

    Filmfest Munich 2015 | Zurich Film Festival 2015 | Cleveland International Film Festival 2016 | Jecheon International Music & Film Festival 2016 |Goethe-Institut London

  • Year


  • Status


credits not contractual