Chaos finds a home in the Martini family, where four sisters – Livi, Tessa, Malea and Kenny – each with their unique quirks, are thrown together by fate. When Penguin Paul escapes from his captors, the sisters embark on a wild adventure to save him from the cunning magician duo, Mary & Marc. The only way to succeed is for the chaos sisters to put aside their differences and work together!

Adapted from „Die Chaosschwestern“ by Dagmar H. Mueller, this film brings to life the beloved characters from the popular book series. Thanks to a stellar cast including Lilit Serger, Max Giermann, and Felix Klare, this film promises a high-quality, family-friendly entertainment experience that will appeal to a broad audience. Helmed by director Mike Marzuk, known for successful films like the „Fünf Freunde“ series and „Verrückt nach Fixi,“ this familytainment feature showcases Marzuk’s expertise in creating engaging and entertaining cinematic experiences.

  • Director

    Mike Marzuk

  • Version

    German (OV) with English subtitles

  • Produced by

    Corinna Mehner & Carolin Dassel
    (Blue eyes Fiction)

  • Cast

    Lilit Serger | Max Giermann | Felix Klare | Denis Moschitto | Janine Kunze | Momo Beier | Cara Vondey | Rona Regjepi | Michael Lott | Giovanni Francesco

  • Genre

    Family Entertainment

  • Running Time

    99 min.

  • Release

    January 25, 2024

  • Festivals

    Giffoni Filmfestival | Zlin Film Festival

  • Year


  • Status


  • Distribution Support

    Qualifies for German Films Distribution Support

credits not contractual