Annika, a posh student, and Caro, a rebellious local, form an uneasy alliance after a deadly party, setting off on a perilous journey with a mysterious package. Pursued by ruthless forces, their escape reveals secrets, leading to a high-stakes showdown in a luxurious mountain chalet.

„Early Birds,“ the first Swiss feature film in collaboration with Netflix, is a gripping Neo-Noir tale directed by Michael Steiner. This female-driven action thriller with high production value, merges Swiss filmmaking excellence with a compelling, globally resonant Neo-Noir experience.

  • Director

    Michael Steiner

  • Version

    German (OV) with English, French, German & Italian subtitles
    French (Dub)
    Italian (Dub)

  • Produced by

    Christof Neracher | Norbert Kneissl | Noah Bohnert
    (Hugofilm features)

  • Cast

    Nilam Farooq | Silvana Synovia | Anatole Taubman

  • Genre

    Neo Noir Thriller

  • Running Time

    97 min.

  • Release

    Ascot Elite Entertainment
    October 12, 2023

  • Festivals


  • Year


  • Status


  • Distribution Support

    Qualifies for Swiss Distribution Support

credits not contractual