When Jessica and Sophie were kids, they witnessed the killing of their parents. 20 years later, Jessica has a fatal accident and Sophie wavers between grief over losing her sister and the hope that she will now be able to lead a normal life after having been subjected to Jessica’s morbid paranoia.

But she keeps having blackouts and gradually realizes that another person is controlling her spirit and life. Sophie fights back against this other person residing in her body, but will she succeed?

  • Director

    Oliver Kienle

  • Version

    German (OV)
    with English subtitles

  • Produced by

    Klaus Dohle, Markus Reinecke
    (Erfttal Film- & Fernsehproduktion GmbH & Co. KG)

  • Cast

    Frida-Lovisa Hamann, Friederike Becht, Christof Letkowski, Detlef Bothe

  • Genre

    Psycho-Thriller, Horror

  • Running Time

    94 min.

  • Release

    Camino Film, Germany
    November 30, 2017

  • Festivals

    Filmfest München | Chicago FF Section: After Dark | Les Arcs FF | Bengaluru International Film Festival | Beaune International Thriller Film Festival | Imagine FF | Fantaspoa | Festival des deutschen Films Madrid | MotelX Portugal - European Competition | Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival | Heartland Film Festival in Indianapolis

  • Year


  • Status


credits not contractual