A mysterious older woman (Ann Hunter, AKA „The G“) seeks revenge on a corrupt legal guardian who tore her life apart. Trapped in an exploitative eldercare system, Ann begins to show the true force of her character as she and her loyal granddaughter Emma fight to get her life back, and get revenge on the people who did this to her.
Karl R. Hearne’s second film is a highly atmospheric „winter noir“, inspired in part by his own family experience. It’s a character-driven dark thriller featuring a riveting performance by Dale Dickey in the lead role. Critics have universally praised the film, which mixes dark humour, implicit social commentary and intense genre elements to powerful effect. John Bleasdale (Variety) called the The G „a gender flipping tale of violent revenge… an original and entertaining thriller.”
Karl R. Hearne
English (OV) with French subtitles
Produced by
Karl R | Hearne | José Lacelle
(3Buck Productions)Cast
Dale Dickey | Romane Denis | Bruce Ramsay | Roc Lafortune | Christian Jadah
Dark Thriller, Crime Drama
Running Time
99 min.
Level Film
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival | Glasgow Film Festival | Bari International Film Festival | Reims Polar Film Festival | Fantaspoa | Bilbao Fantasy Film Festival | Munich International Film Festival | Fantasia International Film Festival
Bari International Film Festival - Best Actress Award for Dale Dickey | Fantasia International Film Festival - Special Jury Mention for Best Director
credits not contractual